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Our partners

These companies with whom we advance the doctoral cause

 Adoc Talent Management Canada collaborates with many innovative companies with whom it is proud to share and advance the promotion of the doctorate in Canada. The following partners collaborate regularly or occasionally with Adoc Talent Management.

Their mission

District 3is an innovation hub bringing together Montreal's ecosystem so that innovators and entrepreneurs can move from a simple idea to impact with confidence.


Mitacs presents itself as an NPO that powers Research and Development. It connects industry and the best higher education institutions to solve business problems in Canada and internationally.


Acfas is the most emblematic French-speaking association of the science, research and knowledge community in the country, recognized for almost a century. Made up of dedicated professionals and supported by tens of thousands of people from scientific, academic and business circles, it strengthens the links between all these communities. Acfas supports the next generation of French-speaking scientists so that they contribute significantly to society’s challenges. Resolutely turned towards the future, it is a powerful vector of democratization and scientific communication. 


Caps, the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers aims to improve the daily life, training and professional experience of all Canadian post-docs. It thus offers training activities for its members, it is the liaison agent between Canadian postdocs and funding organizations, professional organizations.

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