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HR management consulting services

Adoc Talent Management advises organisations on RH strategy

A varied offer of HR management consulting for innovative structures  

Adoc Talent Management has more than 10 years of experience in supporting public and private organizations of all sizes (from small businesses to large corporations) on strategic human resources issues. We also offer a full range of human resources management consulting services. 


Our multidisciplinary team will guide you and give you the keys to understand and act on the best practices for attracting, retaining and managing talent, as well as to recognize the trends in the job market, professions and skills in line with your strategies. Our internal team coordinates the project, which is carried out in partnership with renowned experts who intervene according to our clients' problems, for maximum quality and relevance of our service.

Three keys to optimizing your HR management

three spheres.png

Candidate experience

Employee experience

Definition of recruitment strategies.

Definition of external communication strategies.

Support in the development of language elements, visuals for communications and job offers.

Coaching of recruiting managers on job definition, recruitment and interviewing.

Organization of events (recruitment forums, exhibition corners, etc.).

Positioning of remunerations in relation to the job market and internal practices.

Definition of internal communication strategies..

Development and implementation of integration, career, training, internal, functional and/or geographical mobility and outplacement plans.

Proposal of skills assessments adapted to high potentials.

Establishment of a talent management program.

Coaching of managers on the content of assignments, work organization and career development of high potentials.

Adaptation of the managerial function to the challenges of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Implementation of a mentoring program.

Measuring the level of mobilization.

Coaching careers.

Advice and implementation of a professional equity program.

Training and raising awareness of professional equity.

Advice on the remuneration within the framework of career development.

Job and skills management

Other services

Quantitative and qualitative studies on the evolution of jobs.

Adaptation of job forecasting elements to the company's environment.

Elaboration of job and associated skills referentials. 

Development of a talent management strategy.

Creation of concept maps.

Creation of competency/organizational maps.

HR tools for forecasting business needs (coaching, practical guide, targeted HR support plans for recruitment, training, redeployment of staff, etc.).

Qualitative and quantitative diagnosis of the context, operating methods, culture, company tools, internal costs, etc. 

Realization of benchmarks, tools, practices and processes.

Business case and action plan.

Development and implementation of KPIs.

Term support for monitoring the deployment of action plans.

Strategy and/or associated communication plan to accompany the change.

Coaching of HR teams, managers and/or employees to accompany the change.



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